72.4 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Clickbait: Fake news on social media

Social media users should make sure that their information comes from a reliable source Anyone who is well-acquainted with social media has probably been exposed...

Campus culture wars

  How an unwillingness to debate is creating a toxic campus political environment According to UCLA researchers, college first-years are more politically polarized today than they...

The Syrian refugee crisis is part of a long-held anti-refugee sentiment in the U.S.

Americans fail to uphold the ideals of Lady Liberty The Syrian refugee crisis, the largest refugee and displacement crisis since World War II, has...

Blame the Democrats for Brett Kavanaugh

Why going “nuclear” is killing America America is lilting toward the latter half of the motto, “United we stand, divided we fall.” It’s a scary...

The Turning Point Fiasco: Could organization be operating on campus?

Charlie Kirk’s strategic modus operandi to take over student governments nationwide Turning Point USA is a 501(c)(3) that was founded in 2012 to organize...

Opening Thoughts

Parsing some of the top stories this summer When I don’t know what to write, I like to read the news. It’s probably what everyone...

Suppressing activism through censorship

  University administrators must not allow campus-wide surveillance of student activists On May 24, 2018, a coalition group of activists fervently gathered in the George...

Shoot your shot while you’ve still got it

College is short — don’t always prioritize school over once-in-a-lifetime opportunities The reality of commencement didn’t hit me until mid-Winter Quarter of my final year. It...

For millions of covered women, the hijab isn’t a tool for oppression

While some women are forced to cover, there are millions who choose to do so, and it’s important to know why In an era that...

Why Tinder can be emotionally damaging for women

The dating app can further exploit the double bind that women experience related to sex Tinder has long been considered a legitimate dating forum in...

What the Russians can teach us

How looking past vodka and politics opens a whole new world What can the Russians teach us? I asked this question as I packed my...

The subtle yet sharp politics of “Twin Peaks: The Return”

The gum you like is NOT coming back in style (the gum is America) It’s been a year since the revolutionary third season of “Twin...

Behind Backstage: Concert production, women and mops

A look at the obstacles women face when attempting to break into concert industry There’s something magical in attending a concert; working one, however, brings...

Religious extremists have been emboldened by the self-fulfilling prophecy

In attempts to bring about the apocalypse, Christians, Jews and Muslims forgo the basic principles of their religions The reaction to violence is almost always...

Incels: Misogyny on the dark web

The dark web has proved fertile ground for men who hate women The dark web has long been a haven for some of the most...