"Scale Insect (Coccoidea) Systematics, a New Synthesis"
Penny Gullan
122 Briggs, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
Sponsored by the entomology department
In a world obsessed with finding alternative energies to replace fossil fuels, researchers are convinced the future lies with solar, wind and nuclear technologies.
Climate fears may have long term effects
A new federal report says that the rise of carbon dioxide from humans is affecting the climate and vegetation across the United States and will disturb water supplies, agriculture, forestry and ecosystems for decades.
"Predation, Competition and Vector Potential of Invasive Mosquitoes"
Phil Lounibos
122 Briggs, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
Sponsored by entomology department
Through postmortem examinations, veterinary scientists at UC Davis believe that the deaths of various animals in Redding, including skunks, are being caused by canine distemper virus.
UC Davis scientists from the Tahoe Environmental Research Center reported last week that the rate of decline in visibility in Lake Tahoe has slowed since 2001.
In a world where fossil fuel resources are becoming scarce, bio-based products could be the solution for an oil-dependant society.
Memory does not necessarily decline with age, researchers say
A variety of recent studies have found that "senior moments" may not be a sign of declining brain power.
"Chemical Ecology of Forest Insects in South China"
Steve Seybold
122 Briggs, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
Sponsored by entomology department
Today, many high-energy physicists believe that they are continuing the same scientific thoughts that began over 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece. It was decided then that everything in the world must me made up of tiny indivisible things called atoms.
Only 100 years ago was the existence of atoms proven, but it wasn't until the 1930s when scientists were able to put down the basic equations of quantum mechanics, so that even the simplest atom - the Hydrogen atom - could be understood.
For several years now, UC Davis' student portal, MyUCDavis, has been using Geckomail for its e-mail communication purposes.
Though the portal itself has gone through many changes and updates, Geckomail has not, and several issues have arisen that make saving and sorting e-mails challenging for students.
New asthma inhaler encounters rough changeover
Millions who suffer from asthma and lung disease will have to change inhalers by the end of the year, and it may be difficult for many people.
"UC Davis Global Funding Workshop in Science and Engineering"
Evan Notman
206 Olson, noon to 2 p.m.
Sponsored by University Outreach and International Programs
What is the philosophy of science?
Philosophy of science is the study of science. We try to understand what science is and how it works. Of course, since most of us are academics, we try to explain that to other people and we get into debates about that, so we have scholarly discussions about whether one person is right in their interpretation or not.
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