53.4 F

Davis, California

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Top Stories

Davis economy continues to rebound

When Blockbuster went bankrupt, someone or some people fixed the sign of the Davis branch to read Blockbusted. But several months have passed now...

Editorial: Let everyone speak

Over the past month, UC Davis has been hosting town hall meetings to discuss possible changes to the athletic department as mentioned in the...

Editorial: Party has gotten too loud

After this upcoming election, at least nine of the ASUCD Senate seats, in addition to the president and vice president, will be members of...

Arrests at Shields Library raise questions over students’ rights

Two suspects were searched and later arrested at Shields Library for possession of stolen property by UC Davis Police on  Oct. 26 at 9:30...

Editorial: Senate Endorsements

This week, students will elect another round of senators to represent them on the ASUCD senate table. Voting began today at 8 a.m. and...

Conflict continues over future KDVS radio tower

KDVS, the UC Davis student-run radio station is in the process of obtaining a new radio tower, one that would allow it to potentially...

Baggins End Domes get shown some love

The Baggins End Domes, a student housing co-op created in 1972, has been a staple to the UC Davis community for almost 40 years....

Column: Edible art

There are certain concepts that come to mind when you think of the term “art”. In the visual art world, painting, sculpture, cinematography and...

Delta of Venus’ magic going strong

For many Davisites, Delta of Venus has possessed an undeniably homey quality ever since its doors opened in 1993. A bookshelf ruled by the...

Football Preview

Teams: UC Davis vs. Cal Poly Records: Aggies, 2-6 (0-2); Mustangs, 5-3 (3-0) Where: Aggie Stadium When: Saturday at 2 p.m. Who to watch: Senior safety Patrick Shelton...

California revenues fall $301.6 million below projections

State Controller John Chiang released his monthly report on Oct. 10, showing revenues came in $301.6 million below projections from the recently passed state...

When the weather outside is frightful …

The weather is changing, and that means the weekends at the pool are over. Picnics are hard to manage in wintry weather, and romantic...

Editorial: Information should go 360

On Oct. 25, an unknown group passed out DVDs on campus entitled 180 labeled with nothing more than “Award-Winning Documentary.” Some students who received...

Third and Fifth Street redesign plans in engineering phase

The construction phase of the Downtown Davis Third Street and Fifth Street redesign projects will be underway by the summer of 2012. For Third...

Big West Tourney bound

When UC Davis kicked off the season, expectations were low. This year’s squad earned a lowly eighth place ranking in the Big West Women’s Soccer...