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Davis, California

Friday, October 18, 2024

Gas prices reach record highs


Headline: Gas prices reach record highs

Layercake: Wallets and gas are being drained at the pump


Aggie News Writer

With Davis gas prices over $4.33 per gallon, remembering to get gas is the least of drivers’ problems.

Gas prices will continue to increase as the supply of gasoline grows smaller relative to the real or expected demand or consumption, which is what is currently happening, according to a report put out by the Energy Information Administration.

“California prices are higher and more variable than prices in other states because there are relatively few supply sources of its unique blend of gasoline outside of the state,” the report said. “In addition to the higher cost of this cleaner fuel, there is a state sales tax of 7.25 percent on top of an 18.4 cent-per-gallon federal excise tax and an 18 cent-per gallon state excise tax.”

The increase in the price of gas is particularly affecting UC Davis students who commute to campus.

“I don’t go to class if I don’t have to go,” said sophomore human development major Brittney Crayne, who lives in West Sacramento. “Because of the high gas prices I don’t have any money, so I usually choose between going to work and going to school.”

Even with the steep gas prices, alternative methods of transportation between West Sacramento and campus aren’t favorable yet.

“If the Yolobus didn’t take one and a half hours to get to campus, I would take it, but now that’s not really an option,” Crayne said.

For others, high gas prices are more of a nuisance than a serious issue.

“The high gas prices haven’t really affected me because regardless, I have to do what I have to do,” said senior human development major Debbie Fishenfeld. “I go to Sacramento a few times a week for various internships, but having to keep on filling up my tank is really inconvenient because I could be spending the money on things like vacations, shopping or going out to eat.”

There is little the city of Davis can do about the high price of gas, but community leaders are now even more motivated to rethink and restructure the city’s planning to make it more pedestrian friendly.

“I think we have to re-organize our city planning so that it’s easier to help people get around without automobiles,” said Mayor Sue Greenwald. “Luckily for Davis residents, the city has a head start in that regard. We have bike lanes in place, a history of environmental conservation, solar panel testing facility and we’re definitely in the forefront in being a less petroleum based society.”

The mayor said high gas prices are very serious and relevant to the importance of becoming more environmentally conscious.

“My next car will be a lot smaller and hold twice as much mpg,” Greenwald said. “It’s traumatic to fill up half a tank of gas.”

ALEX BULLER can be reached at city@californiaaggie.com.


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