51.4 F

Davis, California

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Variations on a Theme

Friday marked my semi-official entrance to the post-graduate adult world: I went to my firstreal interview.

I prepared as best I could. I researched the company, prepped answers for stock interview questions, bought an appropriately stylish bidnezz-caj outfit, perfected a firm handshake and most importantly, made sure to Google Map directions to the office.

Three-and-a-half days later, I arrived at the office well-rested, well-fed and confident. Introductions were made, explanations were given and thoughtful inquiries were asked.

Then came the kicker:Do you have a Twitter? What about a blog?”

Twitterthat condensed version of a Facebook update, a feature I already find annoying? And blog? Does an abandoned Xanga circa 2004 count? No? How about a Livejournal I forgot the password to?

Needless to say, I had neither. I couldn’t think of anything else to do but give interviewer my winningest smile, make some lame joke about my dad having a Twitter and tell her that I had a Facebook. Eep.

I’m of the oljournalistic belief that blogs will never have the same integrity of a publication because it lacks accountability. Blogs don’t require sources, and bloggers don’t have to go through the various levels of editing that reporters do.

Still, the blog does have its place.

Think of blogs as an extra-curricular activity that give writers an extra edge. The extent of your writing shouldn’t just amount to an article or two a week. It shows that they have some interest in writing outside of story assignments. Besides, how else can you show off your knowledge of hardcore bands from Canada when you’re stuck doing police blots at your local newspaper?

Blogs are also a useful marketing toolyou can use them to network and promote your skills over the interwebs. They can reflect upon interests that may not come across during a reporter’s editing session. It can pique the interest of a potential employer. A generic cover letter and one-page resume can only convey so much personality, after all.

If that’s not a convincing argument, consider this: even the rich and famouspeople whose resumes don’t depend on things like strong writing skills or proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office applicationshave blogs.

Kanye’s got one, and people loved it before they found out about Yeezy ghost bloggers to write his posts. When he’s not being a douche, John Mayer’s blog has proven that he can be pretty funny. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (aka my celebrity husband) regularly posts updates on his website. PamI mean, Jenna Fischer fromThe Office” – has one. And did you know Alyssa Milano blogs for the Dodgers? Being a fan of neither, I sure didn’t!

And as senseless as I find Twitter, signing up for these things shows that you can keep up with the quick-changing trends of the Internet. A company who needs you to network or promote off of a website probably won’t be impressed that you’re still using comparatively archaic sites like Friendster.

Despite the hours I’ve spent scouring the Internet or constantly checking my e-mail, for productivity’s sake I’ve always tried to keep my actual online involvement to a minimumI hardly use AIM, I’ve never Skype’d and I’m a relative prude in a world of Facebook whores.

But with the current swing of the industry, now it looks like I have another reason to put off reading for my classes. Funny how that works.


Procrastinating musicians, it’s your lucky day! The deadline to submit a demo for Search Party has been extended until Apr. 23. For more information, look to the info to the immediate right of this column or contact RACHEL FILIPINAS at rmfilipinas@ucdavis.edu.



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