61.2 F

Davis, California

Sunday, October 27, 2024

UC Davis alumnus prepares Baha’i law students for careers in human rights

Dr. Farhad Sabetan, a UC Davis alumnus and spokesperson for the international Baha’i community, spoke to 85 law students at King Hall about what he identified as the brutal and systematic persecution of Baha’is in Iran.

He began by discussing the many rights that are denied to citizens that identify as Baha’is, including the right to marry, the right to attain a higher education and the right to employment, among others.

He also discussed the lack of due process afforded to the Baha’is that are imprisoned and facing a trial. Dr. Sabetan closed by saying that international pressures to uphold human rights have contributed to preventing systematic execution.

– Deeba Yavrom


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