59.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, October 18, 2024

New Experimental College class to teach students about state budget crisis

Beginning next month, a new Experimental College class will educate students about the state budget crisis and how it will impact the city of Davis.

The class, which is scheduled to meet on four consecutive Mondays starting May 2, will feature a different guest speaker each week. Jon Li, course organizer and UC Davis alumnus, said students will come away from the class with a better understanding of the budget crisis as well as potential options for fixing it.

“Students will have plenty of opportunities to express their own views, frustrations, ideas and concerns [about the budget],” he said. “As a result, students should be more effective in expressing their thoughts in public.”

The guest speakers will include Mark Siegler, chair of the California State University, Sacramento department of economics; Rochelle Swanson, mayor pro tem of the city of Davis; John Munn, past chair of the Republican County Central Committee; and Michael Coleman, fiscal analyst for the California League of Cities.

Each speaker will provide a unique perspective on the issues facing California, with Swanson addressing the specific challenges facing Davis.

Li said he has taught versions of the class numerous times since 1982, and he stressed the need to stay up to date with budget issues.

“Half the households in Davis have a current government employee, and everyone in California will be impacted by the budget decisions the legislature works out with Governor [Jerry] Brown,” he said. “UCD will see significant changes as a result of these decisions.”

The class will be held in 55 Roessler, Monday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. The cost is $20 for members and $30 for nonmembers, and all proceeds go to back the EC.

– Victor Beigelman


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