61.2 F

Davis, California

Sunday, October 27, 2024

News-in-Brief: State audit recommends increased UC transparency

An audit reviewing the University of California (UC) schools by the State Auditor asked the university to increase transparency with regard to financial information and the budget process, according to a press release.

The audit was released on July 28 and was met with positive feedback from students who are urging the UC Office of the President to implement the auditor’s recommendations.

In addition, the press release stated that UC students have called on the California State Assembly Committee on Higher Education to hold a public hearing on the Auditor’s report to ensure that the recommendations are taken seriously.

UC students are also concerned with the $23 million from a student fee referendum that was used for a different project than its original intended purpose, which the audit revealed. The UC asserts that the fee referendum, which allows students to impose a fee on themselves by a vote of the student body for a specific purpose, can be used for other projects if the UC Office of the President sees fit, while the State Auditor’s legal counsel disagrees that the UC has that power.

– Akshaya Ramanujam


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