47.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, October 25, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Rethink About Regrading

A junior economics major was referred to SJA for altering a quiz and submitting it for regrading after it had been graded and returned. Because copies of the graded quizzes were made before they were handed back to the students, it was evident to the TA that the student had added and altered her quiz before submitting it for regrading. The student agreed to 10 hours of community service and a sanction of Disciplinary Probation. This means that if the student is referred again for further misconduct, there would be grounds for suspension or dismissal from the University.

Mixed Accounts

A first-year student in a sociology class was referred to SJA for allegedly using unauthorized materials while taking an exam. The student was reported along with three other students in the class who had all been sitting next to each other while taking the test. During the examination period, a student witness in the class mentioned to the TA that the specified group was allegedly using unauthorized note cards and copying off of each other’s work. The witness had also claimed that the group was discussing how they were going to cheat before the exam period had officially begun. After hearing these allegations, the TA reported the students to SJA. The aforementioned student denied using note cards during the exam and there was no clear evidence showing that he had used unauthorized study aids. Therefore, the student and the entire group of reported students, received Administrative Notices. An Administrative Notice serves as a formal notice of University policies regarding student conduct. Because the student was not found in violation of the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct, he will not have a disciplinary record.

Water: A Better Option

UC Davis Dining Services referred a student to SJA for bringing a concealed alcoholic beverage into the Tercero dining commons. The student, who was under 21 years of age, admitted that her unlabeled water bottle did contain alcohol, upon which the drink was dumped and the student was told to leave the facility. Both California law and University policy prohibit the possession of an open container of alcohol in public. In addition, carrying any outside beverage into the UC Davis dining commons is a violation of Dining Commons and Residence Hall policies. The student’s name will remain on file at SJA until graduation. If the student is referred for another instance of misconduct, this incident will be considered in determining a sanction.


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