47.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, October 25, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

We’re all in this together

Several students in an upper-division science class were referred to SJA for stealing work from another group during a team project. Upon further investigation by the professor and a judicial officer, it appeared that only one of the students in the group had been responsible, and the other group members claimed that they had not been aware of the dishonest conduct. However, the part of the project that the culpable student had stolen from the other group was a significant part of the overall project. Thus, even though this student was the only group member to be found in violation of University policy and received disciplinary sanctions, the entire group received a zero for the project, causing some group members to fail the class. The directly culpable student also agreed to be placed on Deferred Separation status and to do community service.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

A senior was sent to SJA by his professor for re-submitting a paper that he had previously turned in for another class. In his meeting with a judicial officer, the student stated that since the assignment was on a similar topic, he believed that he could simply turn in his old paper.  However, submitting a paper that was written for another class (whether in high school or college) is explicitly forbidden by University policy. The student agreed to Deferred Separation status and community service, and had his graduation delayed by one quarter.

Good as new

A student with two previous violations was referred to SJA for plagiarism after submitting an essay that was written by another student several years ago. The professor’s paper database search returned a suspiciously similar piece of writing, and upon closer examination, it was determined that the student had simply made a few changes here and there. After significant investigation and consideration, it was decided that he would be dismissed from the University of California due to the fact that it was his third violation of the UC Standards of Conduct for Students.


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