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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Satellite art show to feature artists from around the world

From Dec. 6 to 9, Davis will be hosting the Art Basel Miami Beach Davis Satellite Show. The art show will run from noon to 8 p.m. from Dec. 6 to 8, and from noon to 6 p.m. on Dec. 9. It will be held at 212 F St.

Artists and curators Charlie Schneider and Allison Fall will host the event. The show will occur simultaneously with the Art Basel Miami Beach Satellite Show located in Miami Beach, Fla.

“A satellite show means that it’s both part of something, but not a main official event,” Schneider said. “Why not Davis if there is one in Miami Beach already? It ties in conceptually since it happens the same exact time as Miami. It just ties in as becoming a big happening.”

The exhibition will mainly be comprised of contemporary art such as performance art, public art and video art. Works by artists from Australia, Los Angeles, Chicago and other locations around the world will be exhibited at the show. A total of about 20 or 21 participating artists will have their work shown in a single space.

Artists from different backgrounds will be present at the satellite show. A fiber artist with origins from South Korea, Aram Han, views her art as looking into what it means to be from another country, and the labor that goes into her work.

“She [Han] is going to do a performance at a local cleaners. She will be performing there and at the gallery where she will be performing with her piece,” Schneider said.

Alfredo Salazar-Caro, a Chicago-based visual artist, will be presenting a video of his project STREET TEAM, which will be first shown in major museums in New York City.

“STREET TEAM started in late 2011 and early 2012. It consists of video installations of several artists that I put together,” Salazar-Caro said. “I put their work together in a tiny projector and took them to several cities. Different pieces were projected on different pieces of work.”

Viewers in Davis will be presented Salazar-Caro’s work as a video. Salazar-Caro will be preparing a video of STREET TEAM as it is set up, exhibited and taken down in the museums of New York for Davis viewers.

“I’m working on developing the virtual stuff. I’m really invested in it. It’s a really interesting realm to play with as an artist,” Salazar-Caro said. “I think it’s the artist’s wet dream making everything art.”

Nicole Seisler, an artist from Chicago, strives to combine her audience, the performance and her art. Clay is her main medium, but she reaches out to other materials as well.

“Clay comes from the ground and part of my interest is that it is an abundant material and we all have access to it,” Seisler said. “All these natural elements are materials that are a commonality between all of us. Everyone has to deal with it together. My work is so often about groups and participatory actions [combining] these materials [with] patterning and sight.”

Seisler will be creating participatory art from 1,000 miles away since she will be in Chicago during the show.

“[My exhibit will be] a participatory work that involves shadow hunting. I will send materials, basically tool kits, that people will be able to take away from the gallery,” Seisler said. “Tool kits so people can produce the same things that I produce when I’m hunting for shadows in Chicago. There will be a postcard and there will be directions, and then they will send it back to me … dancing across cities.”

The Art Basel Miami Beach Davis Satellite Show will be facilitating art simultaneously to several other major fairs, essentially aiming to increase the art scene in the City of Davis.
“I want people to come to this show. I want to have a fantastic art show in Davis. I want to be part of Art Basel west of Mississippi,” Schneider said.

KAMILA KUDELSKA can be reached at city@theaggie.org.


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