61.2 F

Davis, California

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Alice Waters and Michael Pollan at UC Berkeley, and on YouTube

Every foodie at UC Davis knows, and cringes at the fact, that the Michael Pollan is chilling at UC Berkeley, lecturing and stuff on a regular basis. It’s so close, and yet so far.

To make matters even worse, the Alice Waters — famed chef/owner of Chez Panisse and American pioneer of seasonal, sustainable cooking practices — was guest lecturing at Pollan’s class last Tuesday night.

Luckily, all of Pollan’s Edible Education lectures are posted on YouTube here, so we Davis-ites can pretend to be auditing the course every week.

Here’s the video of Waters. She starts speaking at about 10:15, stops at the 50th minute and answers a few student questions at the 1-hour-20-minute mark. She talks about trying to spread Slow Food values in a nation built on a fast food culture.

What is fast food culture? It’s why so many American consumers think fresh tomatoes grow year-round. It’s the idea that we want everything fast, cheap and easy.

Also, see pictures of UC Berkeley from when Waters attended and watch her caress various vegetables: “The beautiful thing about falling in love with food and seasonality is that it’s always changing. It’s always changing, and I’m always so excited.”


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