47.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, October 25, 2024

Letter regarding AEPi Defacements

Dear UC Davis Community,

As a coalition of students and campus organizations at UC Davis, we condemn the actions taken sometime during the night of January 31st, 2015 by an unknown person(s) who defaced the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house, which is a Jewish interest fraternity, with swastikas.

Just as we condemned the hanging of a noose, the defamation of the Palestinian dove, or calling students ‘terrorists’ based on their physical appearance or beliefs, we equally condemn the display of the swastika. This reminds us that anti-Semitism, along with all other forms of hate, including, but not limited to, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and misogyny, still exist and are rampant trans-nationally and on our university campuses.

We reject any attempts to blame this on any single student community, including the UC Davis Divestment movement. We hope that the university investigates and exercises due diligence in holding those responsible for this hate crime to the fullest extent of the law.



The Undersigned:


Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Davis

Muslim Student Association at UC Davis

Arab Student Union at UC Davis

Pakistani Student Association at UC Davis

Afghan Student Association at UC Davis

M.E.Ch.A. de UC Davis

Black Student Union at UC Davis

Sikh Cultural Association at UC Davis

S.M.A.R.T. (Students Matter: Activism, Retention, Teamwork) Coalition

Officers of the Davis Unit, UAW 2865

Hannah Kagen-Moore, Davis Unit UAW 2865

Duane Wright, Davis Unit UAW 2865

Mai Sartawi, National Lawyer’s Guild

Claire White, Student National Vice President, National Lawyer’s Guild

Gonzalo Cortes Moreno, Lawyer and Constitutional Law Professor (King Law School)

Armando Figueroa, ASUCD President


Graphic by Jennifer Wu



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