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Davis, California

Friday, October 25, 2024

Senate Brief: April 30, 2014

ASUCD Vice President Gareth Smythe presided over the weekly senate meeting on April 30. The meeting was called to order at 8:11 p.m.

Environmental Policy and Planning Commission Chair Marissa Ayala and senators Anabiah Syed, Miguel Guerrero, Roman Rivilis, Sarah Priano and Anas Tresh were not present at roll call.

Tresh arrived at 8:28 p.m.

A large majority of the meeting was spent in appointments and confirmations. During this period, senators made confirmations in the following order:

Ian Demment, Lydiah Maranga and Chidinma Ohanele were confirmed as members of the Child Care Administrative Advisory Committee (AAC).

Seanne Louvet was confirmed as the director of Cal Aggie Camp.

Demment, Chelsea Hernandez, Sara Rogers, Jasmine Sandhi and Stephani-Nicol Webb were confirmed as members of the Disabilities Issues AAC.

Kelsey Drain was confirmed as a member of the UC Davis Fire Department Advisory Committee.

Nate Kommju, Alexandra Leiga and Samantha Solomon were confirmed as members of the Status of Women at Davis AAC.

Stefan Chen and Jessica Lee were confirmed as members of the Media Board AAC.

Hannah Howerton, Hannah Sada, Michelle Wang, Amy Yip and Alina Pogorelov were confirmed as members of the Arts and Lectures AAC.

Erika Maria Hapa was confirmed as the director of The Pantry.

Bethany Celio, Naftali Moed and Miki Lei were confirmed as members of the Transportation & Parking AAC.

Nathan Sy was confirmed as a member of the Regents Scholarship Administrative Advisory Committee.

Anna Lam and Jing Mai were confirmed as members of the Course Materials & Services Fee Administrative Advisory Committee. Intended confirmed Yun Sun was not present due to a family emergency.

Nicole Garcia was confirmed as the director of Aggie Reuse.

Erica Koopman-Glass was confirmed as the director of Campus Center for the Environment.

Karen Xu was confirmed as a member of the Regents Scholarship Administrative Advisory Committee via Skype.

Kari Kiyono and Suhalla Sikand were confirmed as members of the Aggie Public Arts Committee.



Senators considered a piece of old legislation, Senate Bill #69, which allocates $298.38 in order to print 2,500 updated ASUCD brochures. The bill was passed by an 8-0-4 vote.

All other old legislation was tabled. This list consisted of Senate Bill #66, Senate Bill #70 and Senate Resolution #15.

Senators approved the minutes from the April 23 senate meeting.

Senators considered a new resolution, Senate Resolution #16, whose passage would indicate senate’s support for running a fee referendum in Winter 2016 that would fund the UC Davis chapter of CALPIRG.

Senators discussed whether the resolution was lawful relative to UC Office of the President policy and Constitutional Amendment #28, which prohibits fee-based initiatives funding membership dues to any organization operating outside the jurisdiction of the UC Davis Campus. Ultimately, senators referred SR16 to the ASUCD Court.

Business & Finance Commission Chair Joanna Jaroszewska indicated that her commission would probably fail SR16, as its contemporary version did not include any figures. Smythe put over a 6-1-5 vote to un-refer the resolution from Business & Finance Commission.

Smythe adjourned the meeting at 12:23 a.m.

Graphic by Jennifer Wu.


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