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Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Opportunities for UC Davis community members to give back to others this holiday season

Genesia Ting / AGGIE
Genesia Ting / AGGIE

Mercer Clinic for Pets of the Homeless, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, ASUCD Pantry all solicit donations’

This holiday season, Aggies have many opportunities to give back to the UC Davis community.

Currently, the Mercer Clinic for Pets of the Homeless, an organization run by UC Davis students, is asking for monetary donations in order to support its cause as well as donations of jackets and coats for the animals themselves.

“The smaller, very young and elderly dogs and cats especially need sweaters and coats to protect them against nighttime temperatures,” said Eileen Samitz, the coordinator of the program, in a statement for UC Davis Dateline.

Community members can also donate toys to the UC Davis Children’s Hospital. Donations are accepted at the UC Davis MIND Institute from Dec. 20 to 23 between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

“We really appreciate all of our donors who make the holiday season brighter with their gifts,” said Diana Sundberg, manager of the UC Davis Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department in a statement published to PRWeb. “The kindness of donors will make an important difference in the lives of many families who have a sick child in the hospital this time of year.”

Students can also participate in the Pay It Forward campaign, an ongoing partnership between the ASUCD Pantry and Ciao, located in the Coffee House. Through this program, students who purchase a slice of pizza at Ciao can also pay to donate an extra slice to a student in need.

“I was inspired to spearhead the program when I learnt that one out of three students in the UC system skip meals for various reasons,” said Adilla Jamaludin, a third-year environmental policy analysis and planning major and ASUCD senator. “As a student with a busy schedule, I couldn’t imagine having to skip a quick meal because I could not afford it. So that’s why I wanted to make this food option accessible to students.”

Vouchers for the pizza can be obtained from the ASUCD Pantry in Lower Freeborn.


Written by: Kenton Goldsby — campus@theaggie.org


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