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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Feb. 28 Senate: Meeting adjourns early for Aggie basketball game

Gender and Sexuality Commission expresses frustration over lack of support

The Feb. 28 ASUCD Senate meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Vice President Shaniah Branson. Senators Mohammad Qayum and Maya Barak were absent.

The meeting began with the Campus Center for the Environment’s (CCE) quarterly report by its unit director, Liv Gray. Gray said although last quarter had a few bumps that hindered growth for the organization, it is now heading in a better direction. Staff was fully hired along with a few interns, allowing for five events this quarter as of Feb. 28 with two more planned.

Highlights of the report included Project Compost, which aims to keep compost runs consistent and active at the CoHo, Scrubs Cafe, BioBrew and nursery. Additionally, Project Challenge, a big part of CCE’s revenue, aims to instill “monthly goals on how to rethink sustainable measures in individual life,” Gray said.

Gray finished her report by discussing the unit’s budget and asked Senate members to consider including a $1,500 dollar charge every five years to account for necessary battery changes for the CCE’s golf cart so as to avoid emergency legislation.

Gender and Sexuality Commission Chair Joelle Judeh then gave a quarterly report for GASC, which is close to having a full committee. The work completed so far this quarter included rebuilding connections and learning how to facilitate and hold events while also creating a social media presence. First-year political science major Khalil Malik was also confirmed as a member of GASC.

Judeh expressed frustration with Senators on the table, expressing the belief that not enough effort had been made to support and attend GASC meetings, stating this as “disrespect for the queer community and the trans community in particular.”

Kia Aliakbar gave the quarterly report for the Committee on Committees. One of the committee’s main goals has been trying to clean up the Administrative Advisory Committee’s process that doesn’t always follow their recommendations for student participation.

Lastly, a quarterly report was given for the External Affairs Commission by Chair Nayzak Wali-Ali. The EAC will continue to focus on housing shortages, police accountability, student advocacy and activism. Some of the commission’s biggest accomplishments include the creation of the Davis Housing Discrimination Committee and ASUCD Representative Police Accountability Commission. In an effort to be more transparent with students, EAC members live streamed their report.

The quarterly report for the Mental Health Initiative Committee was pushed to next week due to an absence of available speakers present.

Senate Bill #60, which amended Section 205(C)(b) of the ASUCD Bylaws, and Senate Bill #61, to amend Chapter 7 of the Bylaws, both passed as amended.

Six senate bills were introduced and sent to commissions and committees. Two of the newly-introduced bills were SB #65, which would “establish a newsletter for ASUCD Senators to know about campus events for outreach hours”, and SB #66, which would regulate slates during campaign season for ASUCD elections.

This meeting adjourned early at 8 p.m. as Senate members planned on attending a UC Davis men’s basketball game at the Pavilion.

Written by: Deana Medina — campus@theaggie.org


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