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Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Davis events happening in November

Fun events that will get you through midterms and distract you amidst the winter depression 


By LORENA ALVAREZ — arts@theaggie.org​​


As we move into the colder season, finding the motivation to participate in activities outside of school work can seem challenging. Luckily, the university as well as the Davis area offers many opportunities to socialize with your peers and Davis residents amidst the brisk weather.

Many events are happening this November that will help get you in the holiday spirit and immerse yourself in the Davis community. For more information and events near you, visit allevents.in and for events specific to UC Davis, see the UC Davis Event Calendar.

The Davis Food Co-op, a grocery store owned by Davis locals, offers organic and local food. This store was established because of community members’ goal to foster sustainability and access to​​ “healthful, local and high-quality food.” The Co-op welcomes members to join them in their establishment, whether that be through joining the team or supporting them by shopping locally and attending the events they host to connect them to the community. The Co-op hosts many cooking classes throughout the year at the Teaching Kitchen, including an upcoming Thanksgiving Sampling Event on Thursday, Nov. 9 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (you must sign up for a 30-minute time slot). For five dollars per person, you can sample some of their Thanksgiving entrees and sides. While it is not a cooking class, they will be advertising the food they will be featuring for the holiday and giving customers the opportunity to sample and pre-order their Thanksgiving dinner.

The Middle Eastern, North African and South Asian (MENASA) Student Resources Center is hosting a coloring and coffee session on Nov. 9 to help students destress during midterm season. The event is taking place in Meeting Room D at the Student Community Center from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. They will be providing snacks, coffee and coloring supplies. All they ask is that students join them in this community-building event and RSVP at RSVP | Chai Chat: Coloring and Coffee or at menasa.ucdavis.edu.This event is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and take a much-needed break from studying. 

The Cross Culture Center is hosting a festival on Nov. 18 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the UCD East Quad to showcase the Asian and Pacific Islander and Middle Eastern North African and South Asian (AandPi x MENASA) culture. The festival will feature activity booths, art and food to “shine light” on a few of the cultures that make up UC Davis’ population. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enjoy and learn more about your culture and or other cultures. 


Throughout this month, Davis International House is hosting Stan Padilla’s “Presente en el Sagrado Azul” art exhibit. The event is funded by generous donations and thus available to the public for free. Stan Padilla is a multi-media artist, educator and social activist. Padilla is a member of the Royal Chicano Air Force, an artistic collective based in Sacramento which was initially called the Rebel Chicano Art Front. 

“Initially named the Rebel Chicano Art Front, the RCAF was founded in 1969 to express the goals of the Chicano civil rights and labor organizing movement of the United Farm Workers,” according to the Royal Chicano Air Force Archives website. Through his art and published children’s books, the Yaqui artist illustrates ancient myths and legends. Those interested can also learn more about Native American values and teachings through Padilla’s children’s books: “Dream Feather,” “Deer Dance: Yaqui Legends of Life,” “Chants and Prayers,” “Yaqui Coloring Book: A Yaqui Way” and “A National Education: Native American.”

Written by: Lorena Alvarez — arts@theaggie.org


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