49.9 F

Davis, California

Thursday, December 26, 2024

This week in Senate: Jan 8

ASUCD President Armando Figueroa presided over the Senate meeting held on Jan. 8 in the Mee Room of the Memorial Union.

After quorum roll call, Senate moved into the Appointments and Confirmations section, and the Sexual Assault Awareness and Advocacy Committee (SAAAC) discussed ways for improvement. Proposed ideas included working with Empower Yolo and enforcing a strong connection with administration and working with the sexual assault committee to give victims control over the investigation process.

Senator Roman Rivilis invited ideas for how the Campus Violence Prevention Program (CVPP) could engage with transfer and non-first-year students. Senators agreed on increasing accessibility, providing support groups and potentially enforcing a mandatory safety education course on topics such as consent and the importance of sensitive language.

Senator Amelia Helland and Sarah Meredith debated on CVPP’s relationship with the SAAAC. CVPP provides confidential advocacy, collects measurements and significant data and now has plans to collaborate with staff members of SAAAC.

The Aggie Public Arts Committee announced it is working on finishing the Memorial Union project and has plans to paint the sidewalks around the gallery.

The meeting shifted to Unit Director Reports and Refrigerator Services, which is a group of volunteers who work to deliver and replace broken refrigerators in the freshmen dorms, discussed options on how to dispose of old, broken fridges.

During the Consideration of Old Legislation section, Senate Resolution #8 was discussed and senators voiced their unanimous agreement on passing a vote of no confidence in the Regents of the University of California and the President of the University of California.

In Public Discussion, Senate announced that ASUCD will be attending University of California Student Association (UCSA) Board of Director’s meeting on Saturday at UC Santa Cruz, as UCSA is considering ASUCD for membership.

The meeting adjourned after discussion on ASUCD’s relationship with UCSA and potential student job openings within the organization.



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