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Davis, California

Monday, December 23, 2024

5 Questions with Chris Larsen of Buildings Breeding

Local band Buildings Breeding, consisting of Chris Larson, Chris Vogel, Justin Titsworth, Kevin Dockter and UC Davis alumna Melanie Glover, will be disbanding in late next month. We spoke to guitarist Chris Larsen to catch up on the details.

1. How did Buildings Breeding get together?

Buildings Breeding started in September of 2005 as a fake MySpace band. I made [it] to try and trick my friends and rest my insecurities. I had claimed that all [of the band’s] members resid[ed] in Chicago and [that the band] started as a class assignment. The [songs’ subjects were all about] my love for Melanie. The response was huge; it forced me to make [Buildings Breeding] into a reality, as corny as that sounds. I’m pretty sure the first actual form of [Buildings Breeding] came around September of 2006.

2. So really, how long has the band been together?

The band formed around September of 2006, although we have gone through many line-up changes. [The current] form of our band has been together since February of this year.

3. Has Buildings Breeding released any records?

We have released [the] LPs Buildings Breeding and 2, [as well as] three EPs [entitled] Beesting, Colors Bent To Seasons and Kite Fire, which will be available November 2009. Our vinyl LP, In the Key of Calloused Fingers, is a collection of fan favorites of the first four years.

4. Why is the band breaking up?

Oh yes, the big question! No one really knows why we’re breaking up. I think the time just feels right. Some of the members have careers jobs – they went to years of college to get these jobs and can’t just up and quit to go on tour. The feeling of the group right now, the way everyone works together … I would not want to start over by replacing a single thing. It would not feel right. I actually feel good about knowing we can end the group while we are at our most badass.

5. Will there be a last show?

There will be three remaining shows; on Oct. 21 at Delta of Venus, Oct. 24 at Old Ironsides in Sacramento and Nov. 20 at Luigi’s Fun Garden.

SIMONE WAHNG can be reached at arts@theaggie.org.


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