70.8 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Car Trouble

A student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) by a professor who believed that the student had falsified documents for academic reasons. The student had missed an exam due to alleged car trouble and had provided the professor with a receipt from the mechanic as an excuse. However, when the professor attempted to verify the car trouble with the garage, the number had been disconnected. This led the instructor to suspect that the mechanic’s receipt had been fabricated. The student was able to provide further information about the repair shop (including a working phone number), so SJA was able to verify the student’s excuse and she was cleared of all charges.


A student was referred to SJA for committing plagiarism and agreed to the sanction of deferred separation until graduation. The student then sent an e-mail to a faculty member claiming that SJA had dropped all his charges and found him not in violation, which was false. SJA had found that the student plagiarized, which is a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct even if the plagiarism was unintentional. This false information in the e-mail caused the student to be referred to SJA again. Although no additional sanctions were given, the student was warned that further violations would lead to his suspension.


A student was referred to SJA for fabricating a homework assignment. Several weeks after it was due, the student brought the TA a homework assignment that was marked as if it had been corrected, and submitted this as evidence that the TA had simply forgotten to give the student credit in her grade book. However, the TA noticed that the grade markings were a different ink color and were not in her handwriting, and the student finally admitted to fabricating the assignment. The student agreed to a sanction of disciplinary probation for two years. While on disciplinary probation, if the student commits any further violations, she will likely be suspended or dismissed.

The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.


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