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Davis, California

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving from the Editorial Board


From blind dogs to plump squirrels, Aggie editors reflect on what they are thankful for

The Editorial Board would first and foremost like to thank all the readers and people who give us a reason to write and publish The California Aggie. Thank you all. We would also like to thank the thousands of journalists throughout the world whose intrepid reporting and thoughtful storytelling are daily inspirations to us.

Here are some of the things we’re each grateful for this year.

Bryan Sykes, Editor-in-Chief

I’m thankful for the hardworking staff at The Aggie — I couldn’t imagine a better group of people to work with. I am thankful for my deaf, blind and decrepit dog who, surprisingly, is still with us today. He’s seen a lot of things during his 14 years on this earth. Or not seen, but that might just be merciful at this point. He no longer can tell if you scratch him with a hand or with a foot, but his tail wags on excitedly regardless. He’s been run over by a car, gored by a buck and bumps into more immobile objects than you could imagine. I’m thankful to spend another Thanksgiving with him. Finally, I’m thankful for my four Cup ‘o Noodles, seven yogurts, two apples, pasta, pasta sauce, persimmon, apple cider, non-caffeinated tea, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, salt, pepper and vegetable oil that has sustained me in recent weeks. It’s the little things.


Emily Stack, Managing Editor

This year — a year that’s been disastrous and extraordinary in equally unimaginable measures — I’m thankful for good people. I’m thankful to work at The California Aggie with a staff of reporters, editors, photographers and news staff who every day reaffirm my faith in the future of journalism. I’m thankful for the UC Davis English Department, a group of truly extraordinary teachers who’ve taught me not only to be a better, stronger writer but to be a better, stronger person and whose debt I will always be in. I’m thankful for the excellent national reporters whose daily dedication to finding the truth keeps me calm amid the chaos and the local reporters who prove time and time again that nothing beats good old-fashioned shoe leather reporting. I’m thankful for great books. And I’m thankful for families, both blood and chosen, that give me more love than anyone could ask for.


Veronica Vargo, Sports Editor

I can’t really sum up my life appreciations in a few sentences without getting too sappy, but there are a few things that have helped me through two summer sessions and this quarter that I think deserve my undivided attention. So without further adieu, I would like to thank Pilot for FriXion erasable pens and G2’s; Shields Library for A/C; Mother Nature, because it was HOT this summer and now you’re getting it right; YouTube, for teaching me O-Chem and most importantly, something we probably have all taken for granted, Peet’s Coffee for getting Starbucks outta here and making a damn good cup of joe.


Harnoor Gill, Science Editor

I find myself thankful for abstract things, which are gaining more importance in my life with every year. I am thankful for empathy, that warm and fuzzy thing that separates us from psychopaths and keeps alive our humanity. Also, I am thankful for late-night television. I’d like to personally give a shout-out to Stephen Colbert for helping me cope with the state of the country.


Ally Overbay, Arts & Culture Editor

Today and every day, I’m thankful for plants. They provide 80 percent of my diet and 100 percent of my oxygen intake — and for that I owe them my life. I’d like to give a special shout-out to the broccoli plants in my garden that are still alive despite their irregular watering schedule, and to the pea plant that miraculously yielded fruit. And of course, thank you to Vulfpeck for the killer new album — and for another reason to un-ironically say “funk me up.”


Gillian Allen, Features Editor

I am thankful to have the opportunity to study at one of the most prestigious research universities in the world which also offers such amazing study abroad programs. I am thankful for the changing of the seasons in Davis because they allow me to appreciate the beautiful aspects of each time of year, such as the changing sunset colors of the leaves in fall. And sorry Veronica, but I stay loyal to Starbucks and am thankful that at least the location next to Trader Joe’s remains unscathed.


Hannah Holzer, Campus Editor

This year, I am particularly grateful for access to creative forms of expression. I am thankful for astoundingly brave news reporting — from coverage on natural disasters to the singular personification of a national disaster — as well as wonderfully imaginative films, books and art that have seemingly flourished as of recent. I am thankful to have people to send articles to and watch movies and discuss art extensively with. And I am also thankful for Tom Hanks (T.Hanks).


Kaelyn Tuermer-Lee, City Editor

One thing that sets UC Davis apart from other colleges is the welcoming, friendly campus atmosphere, for which I am thankful –– strangers one day can become friends the next. Students are also able to feel comfortable asking questions or for help, and can utilize the extensive amount of resources that our college has to offer.


Taryn DeOilers, Opinion Editor

At Davis, I’m thankful for both the incredibly nice people and the fluffy, plump squirrels. But what I’m most grateful for is when these two mammals intersect. Just last week, I whispered, “I know what you did,” to an exceptionally bushy, very, very overweight squirrel. And the guy walking in front of me turned around and asked, “I’m sorry, did you say something to me?” So I had to explain to him that, no, no, I was just talking to a squirrel. Now, I knew what he was thinking — it’s what anyone would be thinking in this polarized political climate: But you weren’t speaking in squirrel language! Fair point. But he was very nice and understanding about the whole situation, and he even kind of laughed as he quickly walked away from me (he had to catch a bus or something). And folks, this just about proves my point — that these kindhearted Davitianites and hairy, lard-ridden squirrels are worth celebrating this Thanksgiving.



Written By: The Editorial Board


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