72.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Last week in Senate


Senator Jake Sedgley elected pro tempore

Vice President Shaniah Branson called the ASUCD Senate meeting to order on Thursday, April 5 at 6:10 p.m. Senator Atanas Spasov was absent, and Senator Alisha Hacker was late.

The meeting began with the election of Senator Jake Sedgley to the position of pro tempore. With no objections voiced, Sedgley was elected to the position.

The meeting was characterized by the confirmation of several students as committee leaders and interim committee leaders. Second-year environmental policy major Lois Kim was confirmed without objections as interim chair of the Environmental Policy and Planning Commission. The changes that Kim intends to make as chair include making UC Davis a fair trade university, holding an environmental week to raise awareness about environmental sustainability and increasing leadership roles within the EPPC.

“After going to other commission meetings, I saw they’re good at leading their own projects,” Kim said. “I’ll be increasing leadership within the commission so they feel more proud of the work.”

A new unit director for Housing Advising for Undergraduate Students was sworn in, and third-year international relations and economics double major Rina Singh was confirmed without objections as interim chair of the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission. Singh stated that ECAC intends to continue organizing events for students in order to facilitate student-ASUCD relations.

“In week three, we’re having Pass the Plate, a great way to have many different communities and organizations get together and have conversations,” Singh said. “Other projects include the Tunnel of Resistance, which is supposed to happen the last week of May and first week of June.”

Fourth-year statistics and economics double major Damien Amzallag was confirmed without objections as the interim chair of the Business and Finance Commission. Amzallag noted that he will only hold the position of interim chair for a short period of time until a new chair is selected.

“I’m looking for someone responsible and accountable because we had an issue with that two chairs ago where they signed up to be chair and never showed up to meetings,” Amzallag said. “I want this person to have a record of showing up to things on time and to know what they’re doing.”

Second-year psychology major Rodney Tompkins was confirmed without objections as the interim chair of the Elections Committee. Prior to his confirmation, Tompkins accepted a suggestion from ASUCD President Michael Gofman regarding the improvement of student voting procedures.

“The physical polling station would probably have to be digital, but if you could create a way to swipe in with your card and then you’re done and leave, we can save people some time and attract more people,” Gofman said.

Academic Affairs Commission Chairperson Abigail Edwards, a third-year sustainable agriculture and food systems major, delivered the commission’s quarterly report. A range of changes were detailed which would benefit UC Davis and its faculty and students. These changes include creating a degree map, or a more user-friendly application for adjusting one’s schedule and making academic plans.

Also proposed in the quarterly report was a reallocation of unused empty courtyards as study spaces, a parking app that would better inform students of where they can park and advisor evaluations in the form of short surveys for students to fill out after appointments with academic counselors.

The Senate also discussed ASUCD Senate Resolution #11, which proposes the construction of 10 additional Blue Emergency Lights, and Bills #48 (allocation of additional funds to traffic paint and exterior floor paint), #49 (allocation of funds for storage totes) and #50 (allocation of additional funds for storage totes).

The Judicial Council Report was represented by Internal Affairs Commissioner Ryan Gardiner, a second-year political science major.

Three new bills were introduced — Senate Bill #57, which would create a Picnic Day restricted reserve, Senate Bill #55, which would authorize the Vice President to speak the oath of office to new Senators and Senate Bill #56, which would allocate funds to financially support a student delegation to the UC Irvine Mental Health Conference.

Justin Yap, a second-year biological sciences major, submitted a report to the Senate that included a range of proposals meant to improve ASUCD relations with students as well as student life. One of these proposals involved expanding the Pantry Project to include homeless members of the Davis community.

Public announcements were given, during which time Senator Sedgley announced that the quarterly ASUCD Town Hall would be scheduled for earlier in the quarter. Next were ex officio reports and elected officer reports. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.


Written by: Jacqueline Moore — campus@theaggie.org


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