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Davis, California

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Nov. 8 Senate meeting: Campus Center for the Environment in need of money for repairs


Senate bill pending for allocation of $1,400 toward repairs

ASUCD Vice President Shaniah Branson called the Nov. 8 Senate meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. in the Mee Room on the third floor of the Memorial Union.

Senators Jesse Kullar and Sydney Hack were absent.

Senate Pro Tempore Alisha Hacker acknowledged the Nov. 7 Thousand Oaks shooting in which 12 people were killed. The table held a moment of silence for the victims.

The Campus Center for the Environment (CCE) started off the meeting by delivering its quarterly report. Unit director Liv Gray reported that the CCE hired three new members to accommodate for the high membership turnover from last year.

The CCE’s main source of revenue comes from compost bin pickups through Project Compost. The unit’s carts for pickup have been out of service, leading to Project Compost being inactive throughout Fall Quarter. The carts still remain out of commission and $1,500 are needed for repairs. Senate Bill #20, “to allocate $1,400.00 for battery replacement and installation on vehicles used to transport compost materials for the Campus Center for the Environment” is still pending.

Due to four weeks without paid staff, the CCE has $591.04 in surplus.

The Aggie Public Arts Committee also delivered its quarterly report. One of the unit’s current projects involves displaying student art in the CoHo. The committee works in collaboration with the Mental Health Conference to display art associated with students’ mental health. An upcoming project is a proposed mural on campus, preferably on a bike circle.

During consideration of old legislation, Senate Bill #18, “an ASUCD senate bill to create the Transfer, Reentry, and Veterans Committee,” passed as amended.

The External Affairs Commission confirmed two of its newest members.

SB #19, a bill “to allocate $171.75 to purchase pizza and lemonade for the quarterly ASUCD Town Hall on Nov. 15,” passed as amended.

During Public Discussion, it was announced that the application deadline for 14 $500 ASUCD scholarships would be extended to Nov. 18.

Vice President Shaniah Branson read from a letter written by a high school student asking for UC Davis T-shirts. The shirts would support the student’s project to encourage grade school students in their community to aspire for college educations. The table expressed willingness to comply and respond to the student’s letter.

The Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (EPPC) then delivered its quarterly report. EPPC’s goal is to convince Davis City Council and university administration to declare a climate emergency. The commission is in the process of drafting a resolution.

A break began at 8:03 p.m. and ended at 8:17 p.m.

SB #17, “an ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $7,313.00 for the Pantry unit to purchase solid steel shelves,” passed as amended.

The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.


Written by: Elizabeth Mercado — campus@theaggie.org



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