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Davis, California

Friday, September 6, 2024

ASUCD endorsements: Consider the following

The Editorial Board endorses three candidates for ASUCD Senate, neither executive ticket

ASUCD Winter Elections begin on Tuesday, Feb. 19, with 14 Senate candidates running for six available seats and two executive tickets running for the president and vice president positions. The Editorial Board interviewed 11 of the 14 senatorial candidates as well as all four of the students running for executive roles to learn more about their platforms and future plans for the association. One Senate candidate declined our request for an endorsement interview, one did not schedule an endorsement interview and one other planned to drop out of the race. Many of the Senate candidates expressed interest in ASUCD’s mission, but we felt that the following three individuals offered concrete solutions to problems facing the student body. As in the past, the Editorial Board chose not to endorse graduating seniors because they won’t be able to fill the entirety of their terms, which will end in February of 2020.

While the Editorial Board preferred the policies and platforms of the Unite! executive ticket, the Board ultimately had concerns about both tickets and could not come to a consensus regarding an executive endorsement.

1. Sahiba Kaur — BASED Slate

Sahiba Kaur, a third-year transfer managerial economics major, is running on the platforms of student success and wellness, increased transfer student involvement and environmental justice. Kaur outlined plans to increase the number of tutors in the STEM fields and encourage minority students to pursue graduate degrees. She also discussed ideas for tackling housing discrimination, increasing campus parking availability and smoothing the transition to UC Davis for transfer students. Environmental concerns are also at the center of Kaur’s campaign, and she plans to implement an herbicide-free program on campus, much like one that is currently underway at UC Berkeley. As the former president of the Associated Students of Delta College, Kaur is well-prepared to draft actionable legislation and come to the table with a focus on collaboration and meaningful change.

2. Justin Weiner — Unite! Slate

Justin Weiner, a second-year neurobiology, physiology and behavior major and a trained EMT, approached his campaign with a focus on student health. As senator, Weiner would like to ensure that Tipsy Taxi drivers are first aid and CPR certified, develop a program to educate students about drug safety and provide more anonymous HIV testing in the LGBTQIA Resource Center on campus. The Editorial Board appreciated Weiner’s specific plans to address the lack of attention paid to student health on campus. If elected, Weiner would be the only student from the College of Biological Sciences at the Senate table.

3. Victoria Choi — Unite! Slate

Second-year English major Victoria Choi is focused on making ASUCD more accessible for students outside of the association. If elected, Choi plans to increase ASUCD’s outreach to registered student organizations, create more awards for students with financial need and develop a philanthropy fund for ASUCD on UC Davis’ give page so that units can receive additional funding. Choi impressed the Editorial Board with her enthusiasm for making the Senate a more collaborative environment. She also highlighted the importance of prioritizing the 22 units that ASUCD oversees, as they are a crucial part of everyday student life.

Written by: The Editorial Board


  1. Hello, just a quick clarification on Justin Weiner’s endorsement: whether or not I am successful in my own presidential run, I will be on the table for at least another quarter and I am an Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity major – which is in the College of Biological Sciences. So the last line is not necessarily true.


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