Intense bike arguments, terrible parking
September 21
“Reporting party attempted to take pictures of [a] trailer parked in the area, X exited and started yelling at reporting party and is now following.”
September 22
“Subjects being loud with apartment door open.”
“Vehicle parked in a ‘Zip Car’ stall and it’s not supposed to be.”
“Reporting party came back to apartment today to find mail on front doorstep and front door glued shut.”
September 23
“Vehicle parked in wrong direction.”
“Squirrel with its leg caught in the fence, reporting party attempted to help it but didn’t want to get too close.”
September 24
“Known subject threw an envelope which struck an employee during a confrontation.”
“Open line… sounds like male in an argument about a bike with someone else in the background.”
“Sold books online.”
September 25
“Vehicle was stopping at green lights, pulling over swerving, stopping in [the] middle of [the] roadway.”
“Reporting party noticed a male who stands in the area and watches people.”