The exclusion of immigrant parents from their children's lives creates a significant rift
Growing up, my family friend, an older girl I had always looked...
The role that race plays in learning
I’m a first-generation college student, and this spring I will finally graduate from Davis. While it certainly hasn’t...
Climate change threatens global coffee supplies
Americans disagree on a lot of things — politics, musical tastes, sports teams, appropriate places for tattoos. But we...
A questionable study setup should not be allowed to dictate character education
Grit is education’s newest buzzword — and when discussing it a few weeks...
How racial identity is based on cultural upbringing, not physical appearance
What does it mean to be Latino? Are there certain requirements that need to...
Interesting stories are out there — but this process isn’t one of them
If there’s one question that perfectly condensed the presidency of Donald Trump...
How Hollywood has repeatedly circulated the same stereotypes and clichés
Movies are brilliant inventions, but because they tend to be depictions of reality, we as...