75.6 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 19, 2024


Southern comfort

Finals are done. No more pencils, no more books, no more professors' blatant indifference. Just me, and a glorious summer yawning in my face.

It's road trip time.

Editorial: Treasury should consider long-term changes

The U.S. Court of Appeals recently ruled that paper money is inaccessible to the visually impaired. Giving these people the opportunity to distinguish bills by size appears to be a positive, but it is important to consider both sides of the situation.

Editorial: Ban unfortunate but fair

Aggies are often asked, "UC Davis? What do you do there for fun?" Regrettably, students can no longer brag to their friends about their...

Orderly disconduct

Back when I was in 10th grade, two very important things happened to me. First, System of a Down released Toxicity.

The penultimate

I've been writing this column since April 2006. Looking back, sometimes I enjoyed being a columnist, but equally often, I did not.

A life on the board

When Bobby Fischer, arguably the greatest chess player ever, passed away this year, many lamented the end of an institution and of an era.

Where’s the good stuff?

In a past column, I wrote about the importance of questions. One such question that was highlighted was a quote taken from a story that I once heard.

Omg wtf?!

The little cousins are over, spending the night. They are middle schoolers, giggly and rambunctious, lying on their stomachs in the living room as they check their MySpace accounts on their laptop.

Letter to the editor

would like to address UC Davis students with sincere remorse for my unbecoming behavior while treating ASUCD with disregard and failing to fulfill the expected duties of a senator. It was a lapse of judgment on my part, and solely on my part does the responsibility for my actions lie.

Editorial: Davis Recycling

Recycling cans, bottles, paper, yard waste and food scraps may become mandatory in San Francisco as a result of a proposal made by Mayor Gavin Newsom. The proposal also aims for a 75 percent recycling rate by implementing organics recycling. San Francisco has taken on responsibility for its waste and has progressively decided to compost organic material instead of adding to landfills.

Editorial: Senate behavior

On May 16, ASUCD Senator Jesse Rosales arrived intoxicated and an hour-and-a-half late to the annual ASUCD budget hearing. Due to disruptive behavior, ASUCD President Ivan Carrillo eventually asked him to leave.

Ah, the single life

OK, it's true - life's a little lonely. When my two roommates' boyfriends come to Davis for the weekend, me and my other roommates just sit and eat Goldfishes in front of the TV ("Gossip Girl", how I love thee!) while the two couples make out right next to us. It's sort of awkward, especially when you're sandwiched in-between them, but at least they conserve space by sitting on each other's laps. Sometimes when it gets too crowded, all four of them just stack up on one other. They like to call it the "Leaning Tower of Observe-How-You'll-Die-Alone-Unlike-Us."

Bright way forward

With the overwhelming decision of the UC regents May 15 to slap over 220,000 students with another 7 percent increase in systemwide fees, our officials have come up with two programs that not only address monetary shortage but also aim to boost the UC's reputation.

Accountability lost

Those of you who were fortunate enough to read my column last week have already been informed of the blatant irresponsibility that plagued the May 16 to 18 ASUCD budget hearings, as well as my prediction that no disciplinary action would result for the senator in question. However, anyone who showed enough interest in the matter, and continued on to Tuesday's opinion page, would know that I was almost immediately proven wrong, or at least that was how things seemed.


"You're ugly, I'm hot- get over it HO!" yelled one impressionable young lady to another before raising her eyebrows mockingly, jutting out her lips, and clacking out the door in her 6-inch heels, all in one synchronized, in-your-face movement.