61.6 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Best Photo Shoot Location: Sunflower Fields

Sunflowers only in bloom during summer — so start breaking out the camera!

The sunflower fields took home the gold(en yellow) as this year’s best photo shoot location, with 36.8% of the votes. The sunflower fields, located in and around Davis, narrowly beat the Arboretum for the top spot. 

The sunflowers are only in bloom during the summer months, so now is the time to start breaking out the camera. 

Third-year managerial economics major Ashley Metcalfe visited the sunflower fields last July on a whim when driving from the Bay Area to Sacramento. 

“During the drive we passed acres of sunflowers along the highway,” Metcalfe said. “They were so beautiful, and it was the first time I saw them in person. Spontaneously, we decided to pull over at the 76 Gas Station in Dixon to take a few photos.”

The photos Metcalfe and her sister-in-law took that day are some of her favorite photos to date, and one of the pictures has been her Instagram profile picture for almost a year now. 

“I loved how bright the photo was,” Metcalfe said. “I happened to wear a yellow shirt that day which wasn’t planned at all, but I really liked how it matched with the sunflowers.”

Sunflowers are sure to make a splash on social media. 

I definitely got some great photos of both myself and my friend,” said Annabel Collins, a third-year animal science major. “I posted one on Instagram and I got a ton of compliments on that particular post, most likely because the sunset in the background made the sky look rainbow-colored and the flowers looked super cool against it.”

Collins recommends waiting to go until later in the summer because that’s when the flowers are in their best bloom, as well as waiting until sunset to snap a picture or two. 

“That’s the best time to go because the lighting is less harsh and gives people the ‘golden hour’ look,” Collins said. 

For those that head to the fields at high noon, Metcalfe recommends bringing sunglasses and wearing an outfit that will complement the flowers — neutral colors are a safe bet. 

Written by: Liz Jacobson — features@theaggie.org 


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