84.6 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 19, 2024


Guest opinion

UC Davis and the UC system, like San Francisco and dozens of other communities across California, including L.A., Fresno, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Berkeley, Palo Alto and Marin County have adopted the goal of Zero Waste.

In eternal memory

There is something profoundly human about a dramatic sporting loss, particularly when it befalls a team on the brink of victory that you wholeheartedly support.

Letter to the editor

Election coverage

The ultimate

When I finally abandoned my dream of becoming a history professor a year-and-a-half ago, I decided my last column would be a proud declaration of my immediate intention to join the Army.

The three Ls

Life, Liberty and Love.

You've heard many of the sayings conceptually tying the Ls together. "Give me liberty or give me death," "A life without love is no life at all," etc. I believe it is rightfully so. Each one has a distinct identifiable characteristic, yet to separate one from the others makes the remaining empty.

All hail Eddie Lee

It's been a fun year being a columnist, all. I've enjoyed pounding out these columns of mine every Monday night, mere hours before I had to go in and edit. I kind of like having a byline and getting my picture in the paper.

Editorial: City Council Endorsements

Students often neglect to realize how much of an impact the Davis City Council has on their everyday lives. Every week, the council makes decisions that affect how difficult it is to find affordable and quality housing in Davis, how boring or exciting the downtown is, how much we must pay for our utility bills and how far we have to drive to purchase a pair of socks.

Editorial: AB 2914

In an effort to mitigate California's looming $15 billion deficit, state lawmakers have been forced to look in unconventional places for money. State Representative Charles Calderon (D-Montebello) has proposed Assembly Bill 2914, which would place a 25 percent tax on the gross revenues of the adult entertainment industry.

We need to talk

Well the end of the year has finally approached and I have to bid farewell. I must say it's been quite a ride for my column. This year was my first time I split a column into two parts (big deal, I know), my first real hate mail and my first (and failed) attempt at meeting readers.

Letter to the Editor

n preparing next year's budget, the Executive Office sought to minimize the impact of significant budget cuts to services that ASUCD provides for students, as well as student jobs.

Cycles of cynicism

ver the past year of writing this column, I've had the opportunity to examine a wide variety of political and social injustices, as well as see the action or, in most cases, the lack of action that results. Seeing and experiencing all of these things has caused me to formulate a hypothesis describing this process, sort of a grand unifying political theory for the millennial generation, if you will.


080603_op_parlan.CTitle: GratitudeBy REAGAN PARLAN Life is not significant if it is not historic and momentous. I can say that my two-plus years at UC Davis...


It was fun at first. The acceptance letter in the mail. The photo shoot. The congratulatory wine and cheese basket. The cashmere jacket with COLUMNIST spelled out in gemstones. All very flattering, considering how expensive the stuff was, especially the jacket.


Can you believe that you're almost done, Class of 2008? After four (or five) years, you'll finally be a college graduate! I would say congratulations, but you've got a few finals left, and I don't want to jinx it. I know you're worried about failing that French 3 class you put off taking until your very last quarter.

This is hello

ello, everyone! As you may have realized, this is my first column. I'm so very sad that I've reached the beginning; I truly will miss the feeling of not knowing what I am missing.