96.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Doggone Walk-a-Thon fundraises for Yolo County SPCA

Volunteer Alice Chiang with Dex, a puppy up for adoption by the SPCA, at the 4th Annual Doggone Walk-a-Thon. Yolo County SPCA hosted this event at the Community Park, where participants enjoyed fun activities, entertainment, children's games, pet photos and a dog costume contest.

Adam’s path

his week's story follows the life of Adam Pathy, an average someone born into an average family in Average Town, U.S.A. - a true simpleton, if you will.

During his early years, Adam, due to a rather unfortunate string of boredom, decided to take a walk on Life Street. Minutes into Adam's walk, the street diverged into three separate roads, each of which varied accordingly in demeanor.

Not-quite-magic school bus

That buzzing by your head? That's your alarm clock.Youmoan politely at it,calmly insisting that it perform lewd acts that would be rather unlikely even if it did have an anus.Buzz buzz buzz.Whencursing fails,you move on to your next step.With practiced ease you flip it the bird.It ignores you.

Editorial: AB3034

The proposed construction of a highspeed rail for travel between the San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego brings expedient happiness in terms of travel convenience and new leisurely opportunity.But more importantly, AB3034- the Reliable High Speed Passenger Bond Act to help fund the railroad - voices an important advancement in statewide planning that will have infinite benefits for Californians.

Editorial: Title IX lawsuit

U.S.District Judge Frank C. Damrell Jr.recently ruled in favor of UC Davis in a Title IX lawsuit filed by four women who lost their spots on the intercollegiate wrestling team in 2001.

America the awesome

America is the greatest nation on earth.I've heard that sentence repeated over,and over, and over again since I've been paying attention to politics. Hell, even Chris Rock said it.But it's getting old.

The great convergence

In the New Republic article "Obama's old virtues," Karma Nabulsi suggests that Obama's ascendanceis a function of "classical republicanism" - a system prizing active civic engagement in a participatory democracy - a very old theme that has been absent from viewf or a very long time. Perhaps. But the explanation for Obama's political success might be even simpler:it is his promise of a uniting narrative in a disunited country.

Socialists now hiring

Last May 1,the Davis College Republicans attempted to play a satirical game of "Illegal Immigration Capture the Flag" as a counter-protest against the general socialist/immigration protest occurring on the Quad.Given the reflex of far left groups to see the worst in those who disagree with them, the game quickly became known as"Capture the Illegal Immigrant," and has even been reported as such in The Aggie and The Sacramento Bee.

Q and A

As I was growing up, I had a really irritating habit, one that I still have but am much more aware and in control of. No, I'm not talking about booger-eating (which I still don't see the problem with). Rather, it was the need to answer questions when they were asked.

It wasn't just the questions my elementary school teacher would ask, but any question asked that was remotely in my direction from anyone ranging from my little brother to complete strangers. I always just seemed to have an answer.

Of corners and hot days

Heat,heat,clinging at the hairs on the back of my neck,sticking at the flesh padding my jointswhen I bend my elbows or knees.

I could tell you a story right now,but all I want to do is sit cross-legged on my bedroom floor with the window open so that the breeze clatters at the shades and stirs some life into the room.I want to eat my frozen grapes,listen to jangly tunes and pick at the purple and gold glass beads strewn across the carpet.They're so pretty.

Editorial: Bill does not provide enough protection

Scientific researchconducted on animals hasalways been a contentious topic in terms of the transparency and ethics behind it.Unfortunately,animal rights activists sometimes take extreme and violent measures againstthosescientists conductingtheexperiments.In response,a new state bill has been authored that seeks to limit various tactics used by anti-animal research extremist groups.However,the bill does not promise significant change.

Assembly Bill2296allowsUniversity ofCalifornia officials to withhold the names of researchers from public documents in an effort to further guard them.In addition,the billstates that anyone who intimidates,harasses or commits acts of violence against animal research scientists can be subject to punishment ranging from a$25,000fine to a year in prison.

Editorial: Budget cuts impact student experience

UC Davis is now beginning to see the first rounds of cuts, which will eventually result in a universitywide budget decrease of $1.4 million for campus units. The Cross Cultural Center (CCC), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC) and Women's Research and Resources Center (WRRC) will be the first to experience the 7 percent cuts. Budget reductions must come from somewhere, but it is important to recognize how vital these campus units are to students at UCD.

Back when budget cuts were being proposed, Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef told the campus the student experience would not be compromised. However, protecting Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at the expense of valuable ASUCD units such as CCC, LGBTRC and WRRC is questionable. This year, CAPS will have a net loss of $0 while the CCC will experience a net loss of $2,211, the WRRC a net loss of $8,750 and the LGBTRC a net loss of $996.

Cute vs. funny girl

During a barbeque I went to last weekend, a friend of mine was talking about how he had recently (and reluctantly) bonked a girl whom he wasn't too enthralled about. As usual, a few guys started chiming in and said the only reason why he was lamenting so much was because she was probably fug. He responded that in actuality, she was very pretty - she simply wasn't funny enough.

I asked him if being funny is as important as he made it seem. Likewise, his other friend explained how he preferred to sleep with pretty girls at the moment, while his youth and charm were at their peak. Personality, he mused, can be worried about later, when it really started to matter.

Tangible solutions

In the past weeks, I've been dishing out a fair amount of criticism regarding our elected and appointed educational administrators without providing a whole lot of possible solutions. This is because, for the most part, I have tried to focus mainly on pointing out the problems, rather than turning people off with a solution that caters to a specific political ideology.

For example, if I were to propose a solution of raising taxes across the state to make up for the $4.8 million deficit in educational funding, I would probably cause a couple of people to ignore me, and my views on the education system, completely.

However, this week I have decided to break away from my standard mode of operations and provide my readers with an opportunity to make a small, but valuable, difference in our current educational crisis.

Kick them out

UCDavis is regarded as among the superior institutions of public higher education nationally,if not globally.According to the2008U.S.News and World Report survey,UC Davis ranks as the11th best public university inAmerica in terms of learning excellence.However,the presence of some incompetent and ineffective faculty members is an imminent threat that undermines suchreputable standing.

Having finished six arduous quarters here at UC Davis,I have always heard students complaining acrimoniously about how their respective professors inefficiently taught their classes.I,myself,have experienced going through suchapredicament in several of my general education and upper division classes in which the professors were terribly lackingtheability to make the concepts of the courses comprehensible to students.Having no means of determining the degree of competence of their professors,studentssuffer the consequences oftaking classes with such instructors.