89.3 F

Davis, California

Monday, July 22, 2024

Senior Columns 2020

Honest dispatch from a worried 22-year-old

Still learning and unlearning, I hope you are too I am leaving UC Davis just as lost as I was starting college in 2016. But...

A string of happy coincidences

Consider what will really matter years from now and make your choices off of that. Say yes, call your mom and don’t sweat the...

The most wonderful, unexpected experience

It’s hard to say bye, so I’ll just say thank you When I walked into The California Aggie to interview for a position as opinion...

Are we moving forward or backward

Like a pandemic event, we can only know what college is once it’s actually over My graduation from UC Davis feels like one of the...

A farewell to four years of Aggie sports

The California Aggie’s sports editor recounts his favorite memories, moments from his time at UC Davis It’s hard not to feel nostalgic about sports, and...

Why do we do what we do?

College newspapers are more than just breaking news I knew I wanted to be part of The California Aggie before I even set foot on...

A not-so grand finale

Despite an unceremonious end, this is only the beginning. Strangely enough, I’ve always loved newspapers. As a kid, I can remember snatching the Los...

And now for something completely different

Taking a moment The first time I was caught in a bike circle during passing period, I froze. I looked around, caught another person’s tire...

A change of pace

The value of an idyllic college town filled with resources is unbeatable Spring Quarter has been filled with remote instruction, working from home, virtual workouts...

A note to myself and others

I love my friends so much I think highly of myself. I am mentally strong. I can handle stress and adversity with grace. I enjoy...

The pure cinema of going to UC Davis

An insatiable high The beauty of going to UC Davis is that it is endlessly cinematic. If you know where to point the camera, you’re...

A maze worth navigating through

To the place where I finally found myself I was so excited when I first stepped foot onto the UC Davis campus. Coming from Southern...

What a different world I could have lived in

Narrowly escaping a life in ASUCD, I could never be more grateful that I found myself at The California Aggie Looking back, I feel like...

On questioning and the quest for nuance

Evolution of nuanced storytelling as informed by mentors, professors, peers and friends A friend recently told me that nuance is underrated. When I heard that...

How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard

After four years at The California Aggie, I’m still not ready to say goodbye When I first applied to The California Aggie fall quarter of...