55 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


I’ve seen tabling from both sides now and they both suck

A lose-lose college classic   By MADISON SEEMAN — meseeman@ucdavis.edu   The sun was shining, the birds were chirping but, somehow, out of the nearly thousands of people...

The inevitable third wheel

Friend groups of three can be difficult to maintain, so here's some advice to fix that   By JHANA RHODES—jsrho@ucdavis.edu   Is it just me, or do trio...

A looming trade war

Why can’t I buy groceries at a normal price?   By NEVAEH KARRAKER— nakarraker@ucdavis.edu   An empty wallet is something all college students carry. However, it may soon...

Why you should write to your 13-year-old self

The unexpected benefits of showing love to the ‘you’ of the past   By NATALIE SALTER — arts@theaggie.org    During the 13th track of her 2023 album “Bewitched,”...

Graphic design is my passion

Please follow my new Etsy shop: “Designz by Designer”   By ALLISON KELEHER — adkeleher@ucdavis.edu   I recently got Canva Pro, and it has changed my life. Now...

Moderation is the new excess

Microtrends are a big, fat fallacy   By ABHINAYA KASAGANI— akasagani@ucdavis.edu   In an age where microtrends permeate every aspect of daily life, allow me to let you...

A tale as old as time

Have all of the stories already been told?   By MOLLY THOMPSON – mmtthompson@ucdavis.edu   On the surface, our modern media landscape might seem like it’s full of...

The successful, the worthless and the artificially intelligent

Exploring how society perpetuates the manifestations of its own fears about AI    By VIOLET ZANZOT— vmzanzot@ucdavis.edu   Artificial Intelligence (AI) — it does your homework, makes your...

Object Permanence 101: Hiding a problem does not make it disappear

How state and local efforts to forcibly remove encampments and enforce Proposition 36 fail our unhoused communities   By TARA ROMERO— tcrome@ucdavis.edu   On July 26, 2024, California...

The rise and impact of climate guilt

Concerns regarding the severity of the climate crisis and how to stay resilient   By ELLIE NOH — eenoh@ucdavis.edu   As the effects of global warming increase in...

Dear Democrats, please learn to throw punches

The Democratic Party needs to start fighting harder for our democracy and the people they represent   By SABRINA FIGUEROA — sfigueroaavila@ucdavis.edu   The past two months have...

Running on caffeine and regret

How midterms expose our crippling procrastination   By NEVAEH KARRAKER— nakarraker@ucdavis.edu   It’s midnight already. After burning through an entire pencil in three days and chugging energy drinks, time...

How to (not) do friendship

"Louis, I think this is the dissolution of a beautiful friendship"   By ABHINAYA KASAGANI— akasagani@ucdavis.edu   The collapse of an “everyday friendship” is unlike the dissolution of...

There’s no ‘genius contest,’ so stop competing like there is

Breaking down the social pressures to appear smart   By TARA ROMERO— tcrome@ucdavis.edu   In every single class across campus, there will inevitably be that one student (sometimes...

The real cost of funding cuts in medicine

The Trump administration’s policies on cutting NIH and CDC funding and the impacts on future medical advancements   By NAREN KRISHNA JEGAN — science@theaggie.org   On Jan. 30,...