73.1 F

Davis, California

Monday, October 21, 2024


Facing the Trump post-election nightmare

Trump’s triumph must stir student action It’s been a trying few days. California voters saw the outcomes of key ballot provisions such as the legalization...

Senate endorsements: consider the following

ASUCD’s Fall Quarter Senate elections begin next week. To help UC Davis students choose the most qualified students to represent them, the Editorial Board...

The Editorial Board’s Proposition Endorsements

Your voter guide to all Nov. 8 ballot measures Though California’s presidential choice in this consistently Democratic stronghold may be a forgone conclusion, the fight...

Editorial Board endorses Hillary Clinton for president

Clinton uniquely qualified to address America’s challenges If there's any solace to be taken from Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate — in which Donald...

Dope decisions: The Editorial Board endorses legalizing recreational marijuana

Vote ‘yes’ on Prop. 64 to end modern-day prohibition In between studying for finals and binge-watching Netflix this Nov. 8, don’t forget to vote...

Put voting above everything this November

Buck trend of low voter turnout amongst college students California Secretary of State Alex Padilla met with the University of California (UC) Board of Regents...