Picnic Day is one of UC Davis’ most cherished traditions featuring many different events and exhibits. With their cameras clutched firmly, photographers from The California Aggie had a chance to experience and document these events, truly showcasing what Picnic Day is all about.
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream
Students in clad in lab coats stir vigorously as the liquid nitrogen evaporates over their mixture of milk and chocolate. (ANH-TRAM BUI)
Alpha K9 Service Dog Program
Woodland Police demonstrate the effectiveness of their K-9 dogs. (CHELBERT DAI)
Real Insects & Their Mimics
Insects galore. (ZHEN LU)
Chemistry Magic Show
Purple rain. (ASHLEY LUGO)
Battle of the Bands
You used to call me on my saxophone. (ROSIE SCHWARZ)
Doxie Derby
Dachshunds race their way to the finish line. (NICHOLAS YOON)
Materials Science Strikes Back
Seeing the work of science mixed with the all-time classic of Star Wars was entertaining for all ages, especially seeing the color transformation of a mock lightsaber! (ALEXA FONTANILLA)
Performance Dogs in Action
A border collie happily watches the obedient trail of ducks as he leads them through obstacles. (MONICA CHAN)
Forest Entomology Exhibit
Stick bug vs cat. (NADIA DORIS)
Cow Milking
Students and families alike had a chance to milk cows at the Cole Facility at the south side of campus. (AMY HOANG)
Maggot Art
Visitors try out a creepy-crawly art form at the Maggot Art table hosted by the UC Davis Department of Entomology. (DIANA LI)
Biomedical House of Horrors
BMES showcases senior design project using a House of Horrors. Here a one-armed, one-legged pirate represents the need for a wheelchair that can be operated by hemiplegic people. (LUCY KNOWLES)
Frisbee Dog Contest
She’s a real catch. (BRIAN LANDRY)
The Parade is the kick-off for the day’s festivities and is one of the finest displays of how we here at Davis, Cultivate Our Authenticity. (CHARLES MIIN)
Avian Hatching Display and Handling
As college students and families embark on the many adventures that Picnic Day has to offer, the baby chicks in Meyer Hall bring joy to the world with their cuteness and fluffiness. (VENOOS MOSHAYEDI)
Zenith Fashion Show
Watch out Vogue, here comes your next cover girl! Making her way down the Zenith Fashion Show runway. (BRIANA NGO)
UC Davis Horse Polo Team
Watch them whip, watch them neigh neigh. (NICKI PADAR)
Davis Dance Revolution
Step up, step out but mostly watch out for these Davis dancers who revolutionized the stage. (DEBPARNA PRATIHER)
Feline Rescue Showcase
Picture purrfect. (ARIEL ROBBINS)
Petting Zoo
Calves sunbathe at Picnic Day’s petting zoo. They were very popular with the children! (KATE SNOWDON)
Entomology Exhibit
Picnic Day goers take turns holding an Australian Stick Bug. (HANNAH WODRICH)
Bats and Agriculture
This cute baby bat is sure to make you batty. (JAY GELVEZON)
Compiled by: The California Aggie Photo Desk – photo@theaggie.org