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Davis, California

Friday, October 25, 2024

In Photos: March for Our Lives Sacramento

Aggie Photographers capture March for Our Lives event in Sacramento

At the Capitol building, organizers gathered to hear speeches from organizers and community members and chant for reform. A booth was set up near the steps to encourage young people in attendance to register to vote. (TAYLOR LAPOINT)
Demonstrators varying widely in age, gender and ethnicity march to the California State Capitol down Capitol Mall. (JESSE STESHENKO)
Thousands gathered in Sacramento and called for increased gun control on March 24, about a month after the mass shooting in Parkland, Fla. (JESSE STESHENKO)
The Mayor of Sacramento, Darrell Steinberg, addressed the anxious crowd gathered on the steps of the Capitol. In his speech, Steinberg applauded the efforts of those before him and encouraged participants to continue fighting for gun control. But his words were cut short as the crowd began to chant the name of Stephon Clark, an unarmed black man who had been shot to death by the Sacramento Police Department a few nights prior. (JESSE STESHENKO)
A local 14 year old high school student shares his anger and frustrations surrounding the recent Marjory Stoneman High School shooting. (JESSE STESHENKO)
High school students led the crowd gathered in front of the Capitol building in anti-NRA and pro-gun safety chants, as well as calls to “vote them out.” (TAYLOR LAPOINT)
The Sacramento Police Department estimated that more than 6,000 people gathered to march for increased gun regulation. Some marchers played 1960s Vietnam protest music, while others reached out to the youth present. One man came up to me and encouraged me to continue documenting events like this — he said he had boxes of protest images dating back to the 1968 Democratic National Convention protest against the Vietnam War. (TAYLOR LAPOINT)
High school students from around the Sacramento area gathered to have their voices heard in protest of gun violence, leading the way for people of all ages to follow. (TAYLOR LAPOINT)
As with any march, protesters brought an array of signs, ranging from simple declarations like this one to demands for change and rallies to vote. (TAYLOR LAPOINT)


Compiled by: Taylor LaPoint and Jesse Steshenko — photo@theaggie.org


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