64.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024


ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Sept. 24 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room.


The meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m.


Joe Chatham, ASUCD president, present

Chris Dietrich, ASUCD vice president, present

Joemar Clemente, ASUCD senator, present

Danny Garrett, ASUCD senator, present

Justin Gold, ASUCD senator, present

Erin Lebe, ASUCD senator, present

Kevin Massoudi, ASUCD senator, present

Justin Patrizio, ASUCD senator, present

Laura Pulido, ASUCD senator, present

Shawdee Rouhafza, ASUCD senator, present

Trevor Taylor, ASUCD senator, present

Mo Torres, ASUCD senator, present

Previn Witana, ASUCD president pro-tempore, present

Jack Zwald, ASUCD senator, present


Appointments and confirmations

The senate approved Previn Witana pro-tempore.


Public discussion:

Priya Shukla noted that the bookstore’s unrecyclable plastic book wrap increases the university’s carbon footprint. Advertisements for the Buzz, supposedly a zero-waste event, are laminated.


Public announcement:

Amy Hartstein announced that the study abroad fair will be next Thursday at the Quad all day.


Ex-Officio reports:

Jasmine Smith of the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) announced a meeting on Monday at the Mee Room at 7 p.m.


Hartstein, the internal affairs commission chair, announced that the first meeting will be on Monday.


Sarah Raridon announced that Gender and Sexualities Commission (GASC) meetings will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Taylor Fleshman stated that interviews for Outreach Assembly start next week and the first meeting will be on Wednesday at 7 p.m..


Consideration of old legislation

Senate Bill 65, authored by Joey Chan, coauthored by Fleshman, Eli Yani and introduced by Zwald, to change Bylaw 209 in section E as to update the duties of the Outreach Assembly in order to better reflect the budget, was not passed with an 1-11 vote.


Senate Bill 69, authored by Matt Shannon of the Internal Affairs Commission, and introduced by the Internal Affairs Commission, to require better financial transparency in ASUCD spending bills, was not passed with a 1-11 vote.


Senate Bill 70, authored by Matt Shannon of the Internal Affairs Commission, and introduced by the Internal Affairs Commission, to change the duties of the IAC, passed with a 12-0 vote.


Senate Bill 72, authored by Matt Shannon of the Internal Affairs Commission, and introduced by the Internal Affairs Commission, passed with a 12-0 vote.


Senate Bill 74, authored and introduced by the Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (EPPC), to revise grammatical errors and inconsistencies in Chapter 17 of the ASUCD Bylaws, as well as to clarify the duties of ASUCD Senators pertaining to the environmental sustainability of Senatorsrespective Adopted Units, and omit redundant, irrelevant and unenforceable assertions and mandates within Chapter 17, was sent back to EPPC as amended with a 12-0 vote.


An Urgent Senate Resolution authored by Torres, coauthored by Clemente and introduced by Torres, to support the UC system-wide walkout held on Sept. 24, was not passed with a 0-12 role-call vote in favor of revision. A revised version of the resolution passed with an 11-0-1 vote.


An Urgent Senate Resolution authored by Yani, coauthored by Zwald, and introduced by Zwald, against furloughs of Unitrans employees, passed with a 12-0 vote.


Meeting adjourned at 10:16 p.m.



ARNOLD LAU compiles the senate briefs. He can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.



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