59.5 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Business and economic development awards to be bestowed

The City of Davis Business and Economic Development Commission is looking for nominations from the public for their third annual Business and Economic Development Awards.

“The commission established this award to honor and highlight those businesses or individuals that have made a significant contribution to our local economy,” said commission chairman Anthony Costello in the commission’s press release. “It is very much a community-based award, and the commission encourages input from the community to assist in the nomination process.”

There are three categories for the award, all highlighting contributions to “local economic development:”

Individual contributions are awarded to an individual whose actions and achievements over the past year have made a significant positive contribution to the local business climate.

Business or organization contributions are awarded to a local business, service or professional organization whose actions and achievements over the past year have made a significant positive contribution to the local business climate.

Extended Excellence is awarded to an individual, business, local service or professional organization that has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to fostering economic development and a contribution to the growth of the local business climate.

Last year, three awards were bestowed. Janis Lott of Newsbeat received the award for individual contributions; Schilling Robotics received the award for a business or organization and local developer; and business leader Chuck Roe received the Extended Excellence Award.

“This award gives us the opportunity to recognize businesses that have gone beyond the norm,” said Sarah Worley, economic development coordinator. “It’s important for the community to know we value local businesses that are adding to the quality of the town.”

The Business and Economic Development Commission takes into consideration the nominations by the community and then submits their top choices to the Davis City Council, who ultimately decides the recipients of the award.

The Davis community is encouraged to nominate businesses and individuals they value either for their positive and innovative achievements or for their dedication to improving the city’s economic climate.

“Ideally, those who nominate have additional insight into the business beyond what is commonly known,” said Brian Abbanat, economic developer for the City of Davis. “A key goal of the award is to help inform our community about specific contributions recipients are making in their field and to our community.”

Worley emphasized that nominations from students are also welcome.

“We’re always trying to emphasize that students and businesses are one community,” she said. “Students bring vitality and life to our local economy.”

The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 5 p.m. Award nomination forms can be obtained at the City of Davis website, cityofdavis.org.

SARAH HANSEL can be reached at city@theaggie.org.


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