40.6 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Feb. 12 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room.


Ivan Carrillo, ASUCD President, present

Molly Fluet, ASUCD Vice president, present

Andrew Bianchi, ASUCD Senator, present

Sergio Blanco, ASUCD Senator, present

Chris Dietrich, ASUCD Senator, present

Danny Garret, ASUCD Senator, present

Erin Lebe, ASUCD Senator, present

Erica Oropeza, ASUCD Senator, present

Justin Patrizio, ASUCD Senator, present

Laura Pulido, ASUCD Senator, present

Ramneek Saini, ASUCD Senator, present

Rebecca Schwartz, ASUCD Senator, present

Mo Torres, ASUCD Senator, present

Jack Zwald, ASUCD President Pro-tempore, present


Meeting called to order at 6:11 p.m.



Crystal Huang from R4 Recycling announced that UC Davis has started Recyclemania and is in 134th place. R4 is hoping to work with more of the student population to win the competition, which ends on March 28.


Appointments and confirmations


External Affairs Commission

Andre Lee, sophomore sociology and political science major, commissioner

Gupreet OsbaldoOzzyArce, sophomore community and regional development major, commissioner


Outreach Assembly

Quinten Voyce, a senior genetics major, commissioner

Dominic Carlson, a sophomore economics major, commissioner


Student Court

Ryan Meyerhoff, first-year political science major, justice


Unit Director Reports

Alexa Somners-Miller, Project Compost (PC) unit director, announced that project compost is hoping to outreach more in the freshmen dorms and dining commons. She also announced that PC needs better carts for mobilization on campus.


ASUCD Court Announcements

Chief Justice Missy Whitney announced the official opinion of the ASUCD Supreme Court regarding the illegal hiring process of the Gender and Sexualities Commission (GASC) is that the commission should go through an entire rehiring process, except for the commission chair, since the current membership does not follow the proper bylaws. However, the court feels that since two of the commissionersterms are over in a month, GASC should just wait for their terms to end and then get back to the correct hiring process.


Status of resolution previously passed

Senate Resolution 16 was vetoed by Carrillo because many of the clauses in the resolution were not factual.


Public discussion

The director of Pathfinder discussed the importance of Pathfinder amidst criticism during election debates. She listed a variety of programs the service will be holding for local K-12 programs and outside community education. She urged ASUCD to continue to support the programs Pathfinder runs.


Meeting Adjourned at 10:12 p.m.


LAUREN STEUSSY compiles the Senate briefs and can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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