Early Tuesday morning, Somalian pirates killed four American hostages in the midst of an attempted rescue mission on behalf of the U.S. military. One of the victims graduated from UC Davis.
Dr. Robert Riggle, of Seattle, Wash., graduated from the School of Veterinary Medicine in 1967. He was 67 years old.
Riggle was sailing with three friends – Phyllis Macay of Seattle, and Scott and Jean Adam of Los Angeles – when pirates hijacked their yacht on Friday.
According to The Seattle Times, the Adams had been sailing since December 2004, with Riggle and Macay joining them roughly 10 months ago. The Times reported that Riggle worked as a relief veterinarian for the Seattle Animal Shelter.
Riggle and Macay blogged about their sailing trips around the world at gaiaworldtour.net.
– Janelle Bitker