37.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Feb. 2, 2012 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room. The ASUCD president is not required to attend senate meetings.

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD president, absent
Bree Rombi, ASUCD vice president, present
Yena Bae, ASUCD senator, present
Jared Crisologo-Smith, ASUCD senator, present
Miguel Espinoza, ASUCD senator, present
Justin Goss, ASUCD senator, present
Anni Kimball, ASUCD senator, present
Amy Martin, ASUCD senator, present
Mayra Martín, ASUCD senator, present
Erica Padgett, ASUCD senator, present
Brendan Repicky, ASUCD senator, present
Patrick Sheehan, ASUCD senator, present
Ryan Meyerhoff, ASUCD senator, present
Yara Zokaie, ASUCD senator, present

Appointments and confirmations
Katarzyna Izdebska was confirmed to the Academic Affairs Commission.

Monica Sharma was confirmed to the Business and Finance Commission.

Laura Murrell was confirmed to the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission.

Unit Director Reports
The director of Picnic Day said this year’s theme is “Then, now and always.” The Parade marshals were selected. They created a new website including applications to help out with Picnic Day. Applications are due this Thursday. They are currently working with the greek system for publicity and public outreach programs. She spoke about ordinances with alcohol and drugs during Picnic Day and mentioned working on continuing the sustainable Quad.

Consideration of old legislation
Senate Bill 49, authored by Cano, to restructure the process of recorder for subordinate bodies of ASUCD Senate. The goal is to change the bill to say that minutes need to be recorded but how this is done is up to the individual commissions. The bill passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 53, authored by Cano, to create the Pseudo-Secret Bylaw Special Committee, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 55, authored by Cano, to establish consistent Bylaws for interviewing committees, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 58, authored by Crisologo-Smith, to include the role of Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee (RROC) Representatives within the ASUCD Bylaws. The bill passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 59, authored by Burke, co-authored by Sheehan and Kapur, to require that a copy of the ASUCD Bylaws and ASUCD Budget be present at every Senate meeting. The bill passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 61, authored by Goss, co-authored by Wold, to place the All Work and No Play Makes Davis Boring Ballot Measure on the Winter 2012 ballot. The bill passed 6-5-1 with Martin, Zokaie, Kimball, Repicky and Crisologo-Smith voting no.

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Open positions within ASUCD can be found at vacancy.ucdavis.edu. CHARLOTTE YOUNG compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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