The following UC Davis faculty are supporting the UC Faculty Walkout, according to a list of names posted at Some of the following faculty members may be professors emeriti or on sabbatical. This list is ordered alphabetically by surname. Departments are listed in parentheses following each professor’s name. For more information on the walkout, see
Raul Aranovich (Linguistics)
Nicole Asquith (French)
John Boe (UWP)
Marc Blanchard (Comparative Literature)
Shelley Blozis (Psychology)
Nathan Brown (English)
Katharine Burnett (Art History)
Joan Cadden (History)
Joshua Clover (English)
John Conway (Physics)
Richard T. Scalettar (Physics)
Parama Roy (English)
Aldo Antonetti (Philosophy)
Gina Bloom (English)
Manuel Calderon de la Barca Sanchez (Physics)
Steven Carlip (Physics)
Seeta Chaganti (English)
Lucy Corin (English)
Christyann Darwent (Anthropology)
Joanne Diehl (English)
Greg Dobbins (English)
Frances Dolan (English)
Gerald Dworkin (Philosophy)
Linda Egan (Spanish)
Robin D. Erbacher (Physics)
Rida T. Farouki (Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering)
Daniel Ferenc (Physics)
Margaret Ferguson (English)
Jeff Fort (French and Italian)
Kathleen Frederickson (English)
Lynn Freed (English)
Elizabeth Freeman (English)
Xico Gonzalez (Chicano Studies)
Laura Grindstaff (Sociology)
Joanna Groza (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science)
Noah Guynn (French)
Drew Halfmann (Sociology)
Bill Hing (Law)
Hsuan Hsu (English)
John Iacovelli (Theatre & Dance)
Robert Johnston (Environmental Science & Policy)
Michael Kapovich (Mathematics)
Richard Kim (Asian American Studies)
Victoria Langland (History)
Elaine Landry (Philosophy)
Neil Larsen (Comparative Literature)
Chris Loar (English)
Lyn H. Lofland (Sociology)
Jonathan K. London (Human and Community Development)
Marjorie L. Longo (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science)
Sunaina Maira (Asian American Studies)
Adrienne Martin (Spanish)
Desiree Martin (English)
John Marx (English)
Lisa Materson (History)
Robert May (Philosophy and Linguistics)
Michael McQuarrie (Sociology)
Colin Milburn (English)
Elizabeth Miller (English)
Flagg Miller (Religious Studies)
Susette Min (Asian American Studies)
Isabel Montanez (Geology)
Tim Morton (English)
Judith Newton (Women and Gender Studies)
Sam Nichols (Music)
Marijane Osborn (English)
Bruce Rannala (Evolution and Ecology)
Ruth A. Reck (Land, Air and Water Resources)
Gerhard Richter (German)
Simon Sadler (Art History)
Laurie San Martin (Music)
Seth L. Schein (Comparative Literature)
Juliana Schiesari (Comparative Literature)
Scott Shershow (English)
David Simpson (English)
Blake Stimson (Art History)
Matthew Stratton (English)
Dawn Sumner (Geology)
John Terning (Physics)
Mani Tripathi (Physics)
Clarence E. Walker (History)
Grace Wang (American Studies)
Jane-Ling Wang (Statistics)
Keith David Watenpaugh (Religious Studies)
Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo (Education)
Joe Wenderoth (English)
Julie Wyman (Technocultural Studies)
Nolan Zane (Psychology and Asian American Studies)
Michael Ziser (English)
Carlee Arnett (German)
Fred Block (Sociology)
Gretchen Braun (University Writing Program, English)
Gordon C. Chang (Sociology)
Maxwell Chertok (Physics)
Marlene Clarke (University Writing Program)
Marisol de la Cadena (Anthropology)
Miroslava Chavez-Garcia (Chicano Studies)
Sean Davis (Computer Science)
Donald Donham (Anthropology)
Jesse Drew (Technocultural Studies)
Omnia El Shakry (History)
Karen Ericksen (Pyschology)
E.C. Feldman (Veterinary Medicine)
Jaimey Fisher (German)
Christiana Giordano (Anthropology)
Simona Ghetti (Psychology)
Bruce D. Haynes (Sociology)
Jerry L. Hedrick (Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology)
Jack Hicks (English)
Robert McKee Irwin (Spanish and Classics)
Peter Janata (Psychology)
Mark Jerng (English)
Donald Johns (University Writing Program)
Suad Joseph (Anthropology, Women and Gender Studies)
Alan Klima (Anthropology)
Kristin Koster (Humanities)
Gregory Lanzaro (Veterinary Medicine)
Edwin Lewis (Nematology and Entomology)
Kari Lokke (Comparative Literature)
Shirley Luckhart (Medicine)
Jeff Magnin (University Writing Program)
William A. Mason (Pyschology)
Tanya McNeill (Sociology)
Stuart Meyers (Veterinary Medicine)
Susan G. Miller (History)
Jack Milton (Mathematics)
Victor D. Montejo (Native American Studies)
Malaquias Montoya (Chicano Studies)
Thomas J. Munn (Theater and Dance)
Orhan Orgun (Linguistics)
Halifu Osumare (African American Studies)
Ana Peluffo (Spanish)
Salvador Plascenscia (English)
Alon Raab (Religious Studies)
Michael Reid (Plant Science)
Kevin Rice (Plant Sciences)
Victoria Rivers (Design)
Gloria M. Rodriguez (Education)
Phillip Rogaway (Computer Science)
Kristen Rogers (School of Medicine)
Kurt Rohde (Music)
Sergey Savrasov (Physics)
Suzana Sawyer (Anthropology)
Jeff Schank (Psychology)
Barbara Shacklett (Medical Microbiology & Immunology)
Scott Simmon (English)
Jay V. Solnick (Medicine)
Smriti Srinivas (Anthropology)
Daniel Stolzenberg (History)
Kathy Stuart (History)
Julie Sze (American Studies)
Renee Tsolis (Medical Microbiology & Immunology)
Stefano Varese (Native American Studies)
Patricia Wakenell (Veterinary Medicine)
Claire Waters (English)
Evan Watkins (English)
David J. Webb (Physics)
Martha West (Law)
Diane Wolf (Sociology)
Li Zhang (Anthropology)