Artist: Zoey Van Goey
Album: The Cage Was Unlocked All Along
Label: Chemikal Underground
Rating: 5
The Glasgow trio Zoey Van Goey released two singles – “Foxtrot Vandals” and “Sweethearts in Disguise” – in the past few years with the help of Belle and Sebastian’s Stuart Murdoch. Last year they self-released The Cage Was Unlocked All Along, produced by Paul Savage (Delgados, Mogwai), which was re-released by Chemikal Underground in January.
The album blends upbeat folk-rock with melodramatic pop lyrics. Brennan, McMarthy and Moore artfully crafted an endearing debut that references light-hearted themes throughout. Moore’s soft singing pairs naturally with the carefree undertones and free flowing melodies that tenderly shape the album into an indie jewel.
Give these tracks a listen: “The Best Treasure Stays Buried”, “Sweetheart in Disguise”
For Fans Of: Camera Obscura
– Simone Wahng